About us

14. 12. 2021

CLAIRO is a pilot research project involving a team of experts from several institutions. Who are the project partners?

City of Ostrava

The City of Ostrava is the main project partner, meaning that it is accountable for the project implementation as well as for coordinating and monitoring the contributions of the other project partners. The City’s main role in the project was to plant the greenery; the locations have been chosen on the basis of long-term air quality measurements, and the selection and composition of the greenery were based on research findings. The City was also responsible for maintaining the newly planted greenery, disseminating know-how, and promoting the project.

Moravian-Silesian Region

The Region’s primary role in the project was as a co-provider of funding. It also selected towns and cities that are appropriate for pilot plantings and ongoing measurements.

Technical University of Ostrava

The Technical University’s main role is to carry out measurements of air pollutants using innovative sensor devices. Once evaluated, the data collected in this way were used as a basis for planning the selection and composition of the greenery to be planted. The University applied the same methods of measurement and evaluation in other pilot towns and cities within the Region. It was also responsible for providing training to experts.

Silesian University in Opava

The Silesian University’s participation in the project involves proposing the optimum structure and composition of greenery plantings. The team was also compiling an on-line database of plant species that can potentially capture larger volumes of pollutants. A further responsibility is the provision of expert training; this helped members of the research team when passing on their know-how to towns and cities in the Region and to other experts.

Palacký University in Olomouc

Palacký University was creating an innovative treatment agent for the greenery, containing phytohormones and biostimulants which will boost the plants’ resilience and improve their capacity for absorbing pollutants.


Smart & Open Base for Innovations in European Cities and Regions (SOBIC) is an institution that brings together representatives of local government, universities, businesses and the general public. Its main role in the CLAIRO project was to conduct public opinion surveys and to involve members of the local community in the project via seminars and other educational events.

Těšín Silesia Association for Regional Territorial Cooperation (RSTS)

In collaboration with SOBIC, the role of this Association was to draw up studies, organize public information events, and involve members of the general public on both the Czech and Polish sides of the border.